What Does the Triumphant Entry Say to Us? – Luke 19:28-44
The Lord’s Destination v28-29
Each spring Christian assemblies celebrate Palm Sunday which recognizes what is viewed as Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem less than a week prior to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection from the grave. I believe that this event reveals several things that would be beneficial to Christians today.
The first two verses of this text reveal that Jesus had Jerusalem as a destination that He desired to reach. Jerusalem was at this time pictured by the children of Israel as the abode/city of God. To get to Jerusalem Jesus had to pass through the villages of Bethany and Bethpage. Bethany was the village where Jesus’ friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus resided. Bethpage was the “house of unripe figs.” So, during His lifetime Jesus had the privilege of visiting places where He encountered friends and places where He encountered obstacles or problematic issues. Nevertheless, to reach the desired destination Jesus had to transverse places of comfort and places of challenges. Similarly, Christian believers, today will encounter comfort and friendships, as well as problems and challenges as we experience life here in this world, while our ultimate desire is to reach the presence of God Almighty. Let us continue to press forward and be committed to reaching our destination.
The Lord’s Need v30-34
As the text continues it reveals that Jesus had a need. It should come as no surprise that Jesus had a need for all of us in our earthly experience has had multiple needs many times over. Jesus noted that He had a need and directed two of His disciples to fetch a donkey for His entry into Jerusalem stating that He had a need for the donkey. At this time, Jesus undoubtedly understood that this specific entry into Jerusalem was to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah. Zechariah’s prophecy was given some 500-plus years earlier and stated that Israel’s Messiah would enter the city riding upon a donkey. Jesus’ need was to fulfill the prophecy given concerning Him many years prior. A donkey was customary for a royal King coming in a spirit of peace. Jesus’ entrance was one that offered peace between the people and God Almighty. One cannot truly reach their intended destination without having specific needs satisfied. Our most critical need today is to find peace with God in heaven. This need can only be satisfied via one’s acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The Lord’s Recognition v35-38
As Jesus proceeded along the road to enter the city of Jerusalem riding upon the donkey, we find that the crowd threw articles of clothing and palm branches in His path in effect recognizing and honoring Him as the King coming in the Name of the Lord. Today, many recognize Jesus simply as a historical figure who lived, died, and exists no more. However, such a recognition ignores the teachings of Scripture which note His virgin birth, His life of granting miracles to those in need, His resurrection from the grave, and His ascension into Heaven. Today, we recognize Jesus, as the Only Begotten Son of God, the Risen Savior, and the Eternal King of all creation. This recognition should cause one to esteem Jesus worthy of all praise and honor.
The Lord’s Rejection v39
Notwithstanding the crowd’s recognition of Jesus as King, there were those who rejected Him. The religious leaders failed to comprehend that Jesus was Israel’s / Judah’s long-awaited Messiah. Similarly, today, there are those who fail to comprehend Jesus as the Savior of the world and neglect to adhere to His message of repentance and forgiveness. God has revealed His plan of redemption for all humanity and yet many remain blind to the outpouring of love God has given. Let us never deviate from the love of God and never reject His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Lord’s Cry v40-44
Finally, as Jesus approached Jerusalem, He wept for the inhabitants thereof. Jesus, knowing that the leaders and many of the citizens had failed to recognize and thereby had rejected the outpouring of God’s love could foresee the calamities and destruction that would await them in the future. In 70 AD, the Roman army under the leadership of Titus would destroy both the city and the Temple. Likewise, there are those among us today who fail to see God’s love revealed via the sacrificial death of His Son, and yet God still loves them. Will we weep as Jesus did for the salvation of those, yet in darkness. Let us continue to cry out and offer God’s Word to those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.