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Archie Comfort

Is An Awakening to the Truth Needed?

When Will God’s People Hear and Know – Isaiah 48:1-11

In this passage, Isaiah once again turns his attention to God’s chosen people. The prophet notes that God’s chosen ones were all too willing to be labeled as His, knew how to call upon His name, but tragically failed to invoke the name of God in truth and righteousness. The disobedience of Israel was the reason for their captivity in Babylon. However, their disobedience did not come as a surprise God for He had foreknowingly prepared for such an occurrence.

God responded graciously toward His people although He knew that they would be disobedient and obstinate. God withheld His wrath for an extended period prior to allowing the descendants of Abraham to be held in captivity in a foreign land. God proclaimed to His chosen people that they had not known, nor had not heard of the things that He brought to pass – in other words, they failed to listen to Him. His people had failed to recognize God wondrous works on their behalf in the past and similarly they would fail to see such graciousness in the future. God labeled them as treacherous and rebellious.

Nevertheless, because God’s chosen ones were identified with the name of the Almighty, they would be spared the calamitous destruction that would come upon the Babylonians. Their suffering in the furnace of affliction would bring about some good, but the persistent rebellion in their character would negate the bringing forth of “refined silver.” They would be recipients of God’s abundant grace simply because God would not allow His name to be defamed and His glory would not be given to another.

The present-day church is very much like the rebellious children of God held captive in Babylon many years ago. The church is all too happy to be identified with God but fails to live up to the standards of truth and righteousness that God calls for. When will the church awaken to its true calling and demonstrate that its trust is in the Almighty Creator and not political leaders? When will the church awaken to the fact that the God of creation “truthfully and righteously” loves all humanity? Jesus prayed that His disciples would live in such unity that the world would come to believe that the Father in heaven had indeed sent His Son (ref John 17:20-21). Jesus impacted and continues to impact the world via His steadfast love, let us as members of His church endeavor to do likewise.

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